Why ChatGPT Won’t Steal Your Job

Why ChatGPT Won’t Steal Your Job

September 9, 2024 03:00 PM EST 90 Minutes

Presented By: Chris DeVany

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Are you worried that AI and ChatGPT are coming for your job? Fear not! In this dynamic and engaging 90-minute webinar, we’ll debunk the myths surrounding AI's impact on employment and show you how ChatGPT can be your ally rather than your competition. Learn how you can leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your skills, boost productivity, and thrive in an AI-powered world.

Whether you’re in a technical field or a more traditional industry, this session will empower you with the knowledge to future-proof your career and adapt to the evolving workplace.

Areas Covered:-

  • Misconceptions about AI and job displacement.
  • How AI is changing the nature of work without eliminating the need for human roles.
  • Ways to upskill and remain competitive in an AI-powered future.
  • Practical applications of ChatGPT in various professional settings.
  • How to collaborate with AI to enhance productivity, creativity, and problem-solving.
  • Strategies for ensuring AI complements human work rather than competes with it.
  • This webinar will leave you feeling informed, confident, and ready to embrace AI as a powerful tool to advance your career, not threaten it.

Webinar Outline:-

  • Introduction & Overview (10 min)
    • The rise of AI and automation: Separating fact from fiction.
    • Why the fear of AI stealing jobs is overblown?
  • Understanding ChatGPT's Role in the Workplace (15 min)
    • What ChatGPT can and cannot do.
    • The complementary relationship between AI and human intelligence.
  • AI as a Tool, Not a Threat (20 min)
    • Real-world examples of AI enhancing, not replacing, jobs.
    • How AI can take over repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on creativity and strategy.
  • Case Studies: AI Success Stories (15 min)
    • Industries and roles where AI has added value rather than caused displacement.
    • How have employees been upskilled to work alongside AI?
  • Skills You Need to Stay Relevant (15 min)
    • The most important skills for thriving in an AI-augmented workforce.
    • How to leverage AI to boost your career prospects.
  • Practical Demonstration of ChatGPT for Work (10 min)
    • How to integrate ChatGPT into daily workflows: Writing, brainstorming, automating tasks, and more.
    • Hands-on demo of ChatGPT in action.
  • Q&A and Closing Thoughts (15 min)
    • Addressing participant questions.
    • Final takeaways and actionable steps for using AI to your advantage.

Why You Should Attend:-

This webinar is designed for professionals across all industries who want to stay ahead of the curve as AI technology evolves. You should attend if:

  • You’re concerned about job displacement due to AI and automation.
  • You want to explore how ChatGPT and similar tools can complement and amplify your skills.
  • You’re interested in learning practical ways to integrate AI into your daily workflow to boost productivity.
  • You want to understand the future landscape of AI and employment and how to navigate it confidently.
  • You’re looking for strategies to stay competitive and indispensable in an AI-driven workplace.

Know Your Presenter

Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm that focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle’s clients include global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca-Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger, and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. He also has consulted with government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, the Cayman Islands, and the United Kingdom. He has published numerous articles in the fields of surviving mergers and acquisitions, surviving change, project management, management, sales, team-building, leadership, ethics, customer service, diversity, and work-life balance, in publications ranging from ASTD/Performance In Practice to Customer Service Management. His book, “90 Days to a High-Performance Team”, published by McGraw Hill and often accompanied by in-person, facilitated instruction, has helped and continues to help thousands of executives, managers, and team leaders improve performance. He has appeared hundreds of times on radio and television interview programs to discuss mergers and acquisitions (how to manage and survive them), project management, sales, customer service, effective workplace communication, management, handling rapid personal and organizational change, and other topical business issues. He has served or is currently serving as a board member of the International Association of Facilitators, Sales and Marketing Executives International, American Management Association, American Society of Training and Development, Institute of Management Consultants, American Society of Association Executives, Meeting Professionals International and National Speakers Association. Chris is an award-winning Toastmasters International Competition speaker. He recently participated in the Fortune 500 Annual Management Forum as a speaker, panelist, and seminar leader. Chris has distinguished himself professionally by serving multiple corporations as a manager and trainer of sales, operations, project management, IT, customer service, and marketing professionals. Included among those business leaders are Prudential Insurance, Sprint, BayBank (now part of Bank of America), US Health Care, and Marriott Corporation. He has assisted these organizations in mergers and acquisitions, facilitating post-merger and acquisition integration, developing project management, sales, customer service, and marketing strategies, organizing inbound and outbound call center programs, training and development management and new hires, and fostering corporate growth through creative change and innovation initiatives. Chris holds a degree in management studies and organizational behavior from Boston University. He has traveled to 22 countries and 47 states in the course of his career.